Dumpster Config¶
“Dumpster” is an Open-Xchange proprietary App Suite feature that will list messages stored in a single Dovecot Lazy Expunge mailbox.
This config moves the last copy of a message, when deleted, to a hidden
mailbox. Messages in the EXPUNGED
mailbox will be
automatically expunged after 7 days. Messages in EXPUNGED
will not
count toward the quota limit. The EXPUNGED
mailbox will NOT be visible
to hosts connecting on any IP other than (App Suite should connect
to Dovecot on this address so that EXPUNGED
can be displayed by the
Dumpster view).
namespace inbox {
mailbox EXPUNGED {
autoexpunge = 7d
mail_plugins = $mail_plugins lazy_expunge
plugin {
lazy_expunge = EXPUNGED
lazy_expunge_only_last_instance = yes
quota_rule = EXPUNGED:ignore
protocol imap {
mail_plugins = $mail_plugins acl
plugin {
# Hide EXPUNGED by default
acl = vfile:/etc/dovecot/dovecot.acl
local {
protocol imap {
plugin {
# Allow EXPUNGED to be accessed by App Suite
# Note: App Suite does not need to be able to list, as the EXPUNGED
# mailbox is not shown in mailbox listing; it is directly accessed
# via the Dumpster module
acl = vfile:/etc/dovecot/lazy_expunge.acl
EXPUNGED owner ip
EXPUNGED owner rwstipekxa