.. _apparmor_plugin: =============== apparmor plugin =============== `AppArmor `_ support plugin, which allows changing "hat" (apparmor context) when user is loaded. Context is changed back to default on user deinit. Multiple hats are supported and passed to `aa_change_hatv() `_ function. Settings ======== See :ref:`plugin-apparmor`. You can also specify hats from user or password database extra fields. If you provide from :ref:`passdb `, use ``userdb_apparmor_hat=hat``. From :ref:`userdb `, you can omit the ``userdb_`` prefix. Sample Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none mail_plugins = $mail_plugins apparmor plugin { apparmor_hat = hat_name } Debugging ========= Enable :dovecot_core:ref:`log_debug` to see context changes.