.. _man-1_doveadm-user: ============ doveadm-user ============ NAME ==== doveadm-user - Perform a user lookup in Dovecot's userdbs SYNOPSIS ======== **doveadm** [*GLOBAL OPTIONS*] **user** [**-a** *userdb_socket_path*] [**-f** *field*] [**-u**] [**-x** *auth_info*] *user*... DESCRIPTION =========== The **user** command is used to perform a user lookup - to show what information Dovecot sees about the *user* (s), or if it exists at all in the configured *userdb* (s). The *auth_info* may be useful when the userdb is for example a SQL database and you are using %variables, like **%s** or **%l**, in the *user_query* setting. Or when you have configured the userdb in a way like this: .. parsed-literal:: userdb { driver = passwd-file args = /etc/%s.passwd } .. include:: global-options.inc OPTIONS ======= **-a** *userdb_socket_path* This option is used to specify an absolute path to an alternative UNIX domain socket. By default :man:`doveadm(1)` will use the socket */rundir/auth-userdb*. The socket may be located in another directory, when the default *base_dir* setting was overridden in */etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf*. **-f** *field* When this option and the name of a userdb field is given, :man:`doveadm(1)` will show only the value of the specified field. **-u** When this option is given, :man:`doveadm(1)` will only show values from the *userdb*. Without -u parameter if any of the *uid*, *gid*, *home* or *mail* fields are missing, their defaults are taken from configuration file. .. include:: option-x.inc ARGUMENTS ========= *user* Is a *user*'s login name. Depending on the configuration, a login name may be for example **jane** or **john@example.com**. It's also possible to use '*****' and '**?**' wildcards (e.g. -u \*@example.org). EXAMPLE ======= Perform a user lookup for the users jane and john@example.com. .. parsed-literal:: **doveadm user jane john@example.com** userdb: jane uid : 8001 gid : 8001 home : /home/jane mail : sdbox:~/sdbox plugins : sieve quota_rule: \*:storage=150M userdb: john@example.com home : /srv/mail/8/70312/79832 uid : 79832 gid : 70312 mail : mdbox:~/mdbox The next example shows a user lookup, using wildcards. .. parsed-literal:: **doveadm user \*.?oe@example.net** jane.doe@example.net judy.roe@example.net john.doe@example.net .. include:: reporting-bugs.inc SEE ALSO ======== :man:`doveadm(1)`