.. _man-1_doveadm: ======= doveadm ======= NAME ==== doveadm - Dovecot's administration utility SYNOPSIS ======== **doveadm** [**-DOkv**] [**-i** *instance-name*] [**-c** *config-file*] [**-o** *key*\ **=**\ *value* [ .. ]] [**-f** *formatter*] *command* [*command_options*] [*command_arguments*] DESCRIPTION =========== **doveadm** is the Dovecot administration tool. It can be used to manage various parts of Dovecot, as well as access users' mailboxes. Execute **doveadm help**, for a command usage listing. .. include:: global-options-formatter.inc COMMANDS ======== These commands work directly with Dovecot's master process. reload ------ **doveadm reload** Force :man:`dovecot(1)` to reload the configuration. stop ---- **doveadm stop** Stop :man:`dovecot(1)` and all its child processes. ADDITIONAL MASTER COMMANDS -------------------------- **doveadm config** :man:`doveconf(1)`, Dump Dovecot configuration. **doveadm exec** :man:`doveadm-exec(1)`, Easily execute commands from Dovecot's libexec_dir. **doveadm instance** :man:`doveadm-instance(1)`, Manage the list of running Dovecot instances. **doveadm kick** :man:`doveadm-kick(1)`, Disconnect users by user name and/or IP address. **doveadm log** :man:`doveadm-log(1)`, Locate, test or reopen Dovecot's log files. **doveadm penalty** :man:`doveadm-penalty(1)`, Show current penalties. **doveadm proxy** :man:`doveadm-proxy(1)`, Handle Dovecot proxy connections. **doveadm who** :man:`doveadm-who(1)`; Show who is logged into the Dovecot server. AUTHENTICATION COMMANDS ----------------------- **doveadm auth** :man:`doveadm-auth(1)`, Test authentication for a user. **doveadm pw** :man:`doveadm-pw(1)`, Dovecot's password hash generator. **doveadm user** :man:`doveadm-user(1)`, Perform a user lookup in Dovecot's userdbs MAILBOX COMMANDS ---------------- **doveadm acl** :man:`doveadm-acl(1)`, Manage Access Control List (ACL). **doveadm altmove** :man:`doveadm-altmove(1)`, Move matching mails to the alternative storage. **doveadm backup** :man:`doveadm-sync(1)`, Dovecot's one-way mailbox synchronization utility. **doveadm copy** :man:`doveadm-move(1)`, Copy/move messages matching the given search query into another mailbox. **doveadm deduplicate** :man:`doveadm-deduplicate(1)`, Expunge duplicate messages. **doveadm dump** :man:`doveadm-dump(1)`, Dump the content of Dovecot's binary mailbox index/log. **doveadm expunge** :man:`doveadm-expunge(1)`, Expunge messages matching given search query. **doveadm fetch** :man:`doveadm-fetch(1)`, Fetch messages matching given search query. **doveadm flags** :man:`doveadm-flags(1)`, Add, remove or replace messages' flags. **doveadm force-resync** :man:`doveadm-force-resync(1)`, Repair broken mailboxes, in case Dovecot doesn't automatically do that. **doveadm fs** :man:`doveadm-fs(1)`, Interact with the abstract mail storage filesystem. **doveadm fts** :man:`doveadm-fts(1)`, Manipulate the Full Text Search (FTS) index. **doveadm import** :man:`doveadm-import(1)`, Import messages matching given search query. **doveadm index** :man:`doveadm-index(1)`, Index messages in a given mailbox. **doveadm mailbox** :man:`doveadm-mailbox(1)`, Various commands related to handling mailboxes. **doveadm mailbox cryptokey** :man:`doveadm-mailbox-cryptokey(1)`, Mail crypt plugin management. **doveadm move** :man:`doveadm-move(1)` Move messages matching the given search query into another mailbox. **doveadm purge** :man:`doveadm-purge(1)` Remove messages with refcount=0 from mdbox files. **doveadm quota** :man:`doveadm-quota(1)`, Initialize/recalculate or show current quota usage. **doveadm rebuild** :man:`doveadm-rebuild(1)`, Rebuild index metadata from message data. **doveadm save** :man:`doveadm-save(1)`, Save email to users' mailboxes. **doveadm search** :man:`doveadm-search(1)`, Show a list of mailbox GUIDs and message UIDs matching given search query. **doveadm stats** :man:`doveadm-stats(1)`, Inspect or reset stats. **doveadm sync** :man:`doveadm-sync(1)`, Dovecot's two-way mailbox synchronization utility. EXIT STATUS =========== **doveadm** will exit with one of the following values: **0** Selected command was executed successful. **64** Command line usage error. **65** Data format error or operation is not possible. **67** User does not exist. **68** Input file, address or other resource does not exist. **73** Cannot create output file. **75** There was some temporary error, check logs. **76** Protocol error during remote host connection. **77** Permission error. **78** Configuration error. **127** Unknown error. ENVIRONMENT =========== **USER** This environment variable is used to determine the *user* if a command accepts a *user* but none was specified. FILES ===== */etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf* Dovecot's main configuration file. */etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf* Mailbox locations and namespaces. */etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-plugin.conf* Plugin specific settings. .. include:: reporting-bugs.inc SEE ALSO ======== :man:`doveadm-help(1)`