.. _man-1_doveconf: ======== doveconf ======== NAME ==== doveconf - Dovecot's configuration dumping utility SYNOPSIS ======== **doveconf** [**-adnPNSx**] [**-c** *config-file*] [**-f** *filter*] **doveconf** [**-n**] [**-c** *config-file*] *section_name* ... **doveconf** [**-h**] [**-c** *config-file*] [**-f** *filter*] *setting_name* ... DESCRIPTION =========== **doveconf** reads and parses Dovecot's configuration files and converts them into a simpler format used by the rest of Dovecot. All standalone programs, such as :man:`dovecot(1)`, will first get their settings by executing doveconf. For system administrators, **doveconf** is mainly useful for dumping the configuration in easy human readable output. OPTIONS ======= **-a** Show all settings with their currently configured values. **-c** *config-file* read configuration from the given *config-file*. By default */etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf* will be used. **-d** Show the setting's default value instead of the one currently configured. **-f** *filter* Show the matching configuration for the specified *filter* condition. The *filter* option string has to be given as *name* **=** *value* pair. For multiple filter conditions the **-f** option can be supplied multiple times. Possible names for the *filter* are: **lname** The local hostname, e.g. mail.example.com. This will only match hostnames which were configured like: **local_name mail.example.com { # special settings }** **local** The server's hostname or IP address. This will also match hostnames which were configured like: **local imap.example.net { # special settings }** **protocol, service** The protocol, e.g. imap or pop3 **remote** The client's hostname or IP address. **-h** Hide the setting's name, show only the setting's value. **-n** Show only settings with non-default values. **-N** Show settings with non-default values and explicitly set default values. **-S** Dump settings in simplified machine parsable/readable format. **-s** Show also hidden settings. The hidden settings should not be changed normally. **-P** Show passwords and other sensitive values. **-x** Expand configuration variables (e.g. $mail_plugins ⇒ quota) and show file contents (from e.g. ssl_cert = /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf.new** This example shows how to ask **doveconf** for a global setting and a protocol specific setting. The second command uses also the **-h** option, in order to hide the setting's name. .. parsed-literal:: **doveconf mail_plugins** mail_plugins = quota **doveconf -h -f protocol=imap mail_plugins** quota imap_quota This example demonstrates how to dump a whole configuration section. .. parsed-literal:: **doveconf dict** dict { quota_clone = pgsql:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext } Or how to dump only the quota dict: .. parsed-literal:: **doveconf dict/quota_clone** dict/quota_clone = pgsql:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext .. include:: reporting-bugs.inc SEE ALSO ======== :man:`doveadm(1)`