GSSAPI configuration

GSSAPI (Generic Security Services Application Program Interface) is an authentication mechanism that provides mutual authentication using opaque messages (such as tokens).

GSSAPI is usually used with Kerberos, and is a good choice when dealing with centralized authentications, like Active Directory or FreeIPA.

These instructions cover using Kerberos, and assume that you have a fully functional Kerberos environment. Most importantly, you need to ensure your DNS lookups and reverse DNS lookups work and return correct names.


First thing, you need to create Service Principal for Dovecot. This is done with kadmin tool.


kadmin -q ‘addprinc -randkey imap/’ kadmin -q ‘addprinc -randkey IMAP/

To create a keytab, use


kadmin -q ‘ktadd -k /root/keytab imap/’ kadmin -q ‘ktadd -k /root/keytab IMAP/

and put the keytab file into /etc/dovecot, set mode 0440 and ownership to root:dovecot.

On Active Directory, you need to create a Service User with password that never expires and cannot be changed, and then use setspn.exe to create the service principals for this user.


setspn -A IMAP/hostname service_user_name setspn -A imap/hostname service_user_name

Then you need to use ktpass utility to export the keytab.


ktpass -princ imap/hostname -mapuser service_user_name -crypto ALL -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -pass service_user_password -target -out c:sharekeytab ktpass -princ IMAP/hostname -mapuser service_user_name -crypto ALL -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -pass service_user_password -target -out c:sharekeytab

Use klist on your Dovecot server to verify the keytab contains the expected results:


klist -k /etc/dovecot/keytab Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab KVNO Principal —- ————————————————————————– 2 imap/hostname@REALM

Configuring Dovecot

Once you have a keytab, configure GSSAPI on Dovecot.


auth_mechanisms = $auth_mechanisms gssapi auth_gssapi_hostname = hostname-from-spn # or “$ALL” auth_krb5_keytab = /etc/dovecot/keytab

This should enable GSSAPI support for Dovecot.

GSSAPI requires at least one passdb configured. Note that authentication will normally succeed, even if user is not found in any passdb. Please configure a userdb if you do not want this.

Specifying accepted credential

If passdb lookup succeeds, it can optionally return k5principals extra field, which contains comma separated list of identities to accepted for the user. This enables cross-realm and on-behalf authentication.


You need an GSSAPI capable client, such as Thunderbird, running on a fully working Kerberos workstation. You can choose GSSAPI as your authentication mechanism and you should be able to log in.

If necessary, you can use auth_username_format to normalize usernames.