.. _sample_imaptest_tests: ===================== Sample IMAPtest Tests ===================== Functional Testing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Simple imaptest to cover the basics: .. code-block:: none timeout 10s imaptest pass=supersecret host= mbox=testmbox.sm40k user=testuser1 Fetch2=100 store=100 delete=100 expunge=100 clients=1 Check the output for errors. Verify that messages exist in INBOX: .. code-block:: none doveadm mailbox status -u testuser1 all INBOX Copy a message with doveadm: .. code-block:: none doveadm copy -u testuser1 Trash mailbox INBOX 1 Copy messages with imaptest: .. code-block:: none imaptest pass=supersecret host= mbox=testmbox.sm40k user=testuser1 copybox=Trash Move a message: .. code-block:: none doveadm move -u testuser1 Trash mailbox INBOX 1 Performance Testing: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Test rapid delivery of lots of messages via IMAP APPEND (100k test users) .. code-block:: none imaptest - user=testuser%d pass=testpass mbox=testmbox append=100,0 logout=0 users=100000 clients=500 msgs=100000 no_pipelining secs=10 Test rapid delivery of lots of messages via LMTP (Useful for Scality CDMI, where an LMTP request takes 2 PUTs and IMAP APPEND takes 3 PUTs) .. code-block:: none imaptest profile=imaptest.profile mbox=testmbox secs=10 imaptest.profile: ------------------ .. code-block:: none lmtp_port = 24 lmtp_max_parallel_count = 500 # Set to ~50-60% of total_user_count total_user_count = 800 rampup_time = 0s user lmtptest { username_format = testuser%n count = 100% mail_inbox_delivery_interval = 1s mail_spam_delivery_interval = 0 mail_action_delay = 0 mail_action_repeat_delay = 0 mail_session_length = 0 mail_send_interval = 0 mail_write_duration = 0 mail_inbox_reply_percentage = 0 mail_inbox_delete_percentage = 0 mail_inbox_move_percentage = 0 mail_inbox_move_filter_percentage = 0 } client lmtponly { count = 100% } Load Testing: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1h mixed test against proxy ( with 2m users and 200 clients: .. code-block:: none timeout 1h imaptest pass=testpassword host= mbox=testmbox user=testuser%d users=1-2000000 Fetch2=100 store=100 delete=90 expunge=100 clients=200 8hr mixed test with 2m users; generally this would be run against multiple proxies (host=proxy ip) from multiple imaptest nodes. .. code-block:: none timeout 8h imaptest pass=testpassword host= mbox=testmbox user=testuser%d users=1-2000000 Fetch2=100 store=100 delete=90 expunge=100 clients=100 POP3 + LMTP test with profile ----------------------------- .. code-block:: none imaptest pass=testpassword mbox=testmbox.sm40k profile=pop3_2m_profile.conf no_tracking clients=10000 pop3_2m_profile.conf -------------------- .. code-block:: none lmtp_port = 24 lmtp_max_parallel_count = 1800 total_user_count = 2000000 rampup_time = 600s user pop3 { username_format = testuser%7n username_start_index = 1 count = 100% mail_inbox_delivery_interval = 1h mail_spam_delivery_interval = 0 mail_action_delay = 30s mail_action_repeat_delay = 1s } client pop3 { count = 70% connection_max_count = 1 protocol = pop3 pop3_keep_mails = no login_interval = 1m } client pop3 { count = 30% connection_max_count = 1 protocol = pop3 pop3_keep_mails = yes login_interval = 5min } IMAP + LMTP Test with profile ----------------------------- .. code-block:: none imaptest pass=testpassword mbox=testmbox profile=imap_4m_profile.conf clients=10000 imap_4m_profile.conf -------------------- .. code-block:: none lmtp_port = 24 lmtp_max_parallel_count = 15000 total_user_count = 4000000 rampup_time = 60s user imap_poweruser { username_format = testuser%7n username_start_index = 2000000 count = 50% mail_inbox_delivery_interval = 10m mail_spam_delivery_interval = 0s mail_action_delay = 1s mail_action_repeat_delay = 0 mail_session_length = 5s mail_send_interval = 2h mail_write_duration = 2m mail_inbox_reply_percentage = 50 mail_inbox_delete_percentage = 50 mail_inbox_move_percentage = 35 mail_inbox_move_filter_percentage = 10 } user imap_normal { username_format = testuser%7n username_start_index = 1 count = 50% mail_inbox_delivery_interval = 1h mail_spam_delivery_interval = 0 mail_action_delay = 3 min mail_action_repeat_delay = 10s mail_session_length = 30s mail_send_interval = 3h mail_write_duration = 2 min mail_inbox_reply_percentage = 5 mail_inbox_delete_percentage = 80 mail_inbox_move_percentage = 5 mail_inbox_move_filter_percentage = 10 } client Thunderbird { count = 60% connection_max_count = 1 imap_idle = yes imap_fetch_immediate = UID RFC822.SIZE FLAGS BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type)] imap_fetch_manual = RFC822.SIZE BODY[] imap_status_interval = 5 min } client AppleMail { count = 40% connection_max_count = 1 imap_idle = yes imap_fetch_immediate = INTERNALDATE UID RFC822.SIZE FLAGS BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (date subject from to cc message-id in-reply-to references x-priority x-uniform-type-identifier x-universally-unique-identifier)] MODSEQ imap_fetch_manual = BODYSTRUCTURE BODY.PEEK[] imap_status_interval = 5 min } To generate read load (BODY FETCHs): ------------------------------------ .. code-block:: none imaptest - user=terra.29.%d select=100 fetch2=100,0 logout=0 clients=10 msgs=100000 no_pipelining users=400 no_tracking To avoid out-of-socket issues when connecting to local HAproxy instance, spread load between multiple local IP addresses to hit HAproxy, e.g.: .. code-block:: none obox_fs = scality:http://127.0.%4Hu.1:8080/?timeout_msecs=30000&addhdr=X-Dovecot-Hash:%2Mu/%2.3Mu&bulk_delete=1