.. _pigeonhole_extension_include: =================================== Pigeonhole Sieve: Include Extension =================================== The Sieve **include** extension :rfc:`6609` permits users to include one Sieve script into another. This can make managing large scripts or multiple sets of scripts much easier, and allows a site and its users to build up libraries of scripts. Users are able to include their own personal scripts or site-wide scripts. Included scripts can include more scripts of their own, yielding a tree of included scripts with the main script (typically the user's personal script) at its root. Configuration ------------- The **include** extension is available by default. The **include** extension has its own specific settings. The following settings can be configured for the **include** extension (default values are indicated): :pigeonhole:ref:`sieve_include_max_includes` = 255 The maximum number of scripts that may be included. This is the total number of scripts involved in the include tree. :pigeonhole:ref:`sieve_include_max_nesting_depth` = 10 The maximum nesting depth for the include tree.